Yellowtail and Red sea Bream Sashimi

- Yellowtail and Red sea bream, as much as you like
- Garnish (radish, carrots, etc.)
- Wasabi
Cut into slices and arrange on a serving platter, decorate it with a garnish of your choice.
How to slice fish into Sashimi
1. Place the Saku* of yellowtail fillet on a cutting board.
* Saku:a block of fish fillet that was cut into pieces so that it can be easily sliced into sashimi

2. From the edge, slice the yellowtail into 5 mm to 10 mm (0.2 to 0.4 inches) thick. When you cut, start from the base of the knife and cut through the flesh as you pull it. If the skin is still attached, cut the flesh up to the skin and then move the knife along the skin as if you try to detach flesh from the skin. Newly cut slices will lay down.the skin is still attached, cut the flesh up to the skin and then move the knife along the skin as if you try to detach flesh from the skin. Newly cut slices will lay down.